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In partnership with Rivet Education, NIRN is conducting a validation of their Professional Learning Partner Guide Rubric.
The SEG needs to be evaluated as a reliable and valid assessment instrument to ensure confidence in Rivet Education's Professional Learning Partner Guide as a robust database of high-quality PL services.
Our team members are recognized leaders in implementation science in their respective fields of study. Read more to learn about NIRN's capabilities.
NIRN is primed to further establish itself as a national player in implementation science through the Research and Evaluation Agenda.
This brief explains how four important system design initiatives frequently promoted by state and local education agencies for school improvement can be implemented through an intentional systematic approach for a powerful, positive impact on student outcomes.
Effective Implementation Cohort Learning Agenda
In this webinar, hosted by the California PBIS Coalition, NIRN's Caryn Ward shares how active implementation strategies can be used to ensure effective use of evidence-based practices to address the social-emotional learning (SEL) needs of K-12 students.
Materials from the 2021 UNC Institute on Implementation Science Virtual Session: The Importance of Building Psychological Safety Among Staff and Stakeholders for Successful Implementation
This study aims to understand the role implementation support practitioners can have in supporting the use of research-supported practices, policies, and programs in human service sectors.
On this episode of the Essential Implementation Podcast, NIRN Director Allison Metz discusses the role of building trusting relationships in implementation practice.
Materials from the 2021 UNC Institute on Implementation Science Virtual Session: "Equity and Implementation Science: An Urgent Partnership"
Implementation Science for Educators Podcast: Sustainability
Materials from the 2020 UNC Institute on Implementation Science - Virtual Summer Session: Implementation Practice Skills and Competencies and Supporting Implementation during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Materials from the 2020 UNC Institute on Implementation Science - Virtual Fall Session: The Role of Context in Implementation of Evidence-Informed Programs and Practices
In a conversation with Julia Moore, Senior Director of the Center for Implementation, we discuss how to plan for program adaptations during a pandemic and beyond.
We recognize that context is ever changing, and implementation support must be responsive to the shifting needs and strengths of communities. In a conversation with Katie Burke, we talk about how assessing need and context is critical in a time of crisis.
A brief conversation on co-creation and how we have been using the skills and competencies noted above in our own work during the pandemic.
A discussion on how principle-based implementation support can be helpful in making decisions around implementation and trying to be the best partners possible for public agencies during the challenging time of the COVID-19 crisis.
A webinar delivered by SISEP staff for the New York State Community Schools Network. This is the fifth in a series of webinars for the network.
A webinar delivered by SISEP staff for the New York State Community Schools Network. This is the fourth in a series of webinars for the network.