Implementation Practice in Human Service Systems: Understanding the Principles and Competencies of Professionals Who Support Implementation

Author(s): Allison Metz, Bianca Albers, Katie Burke, Leah Bartley, Laura Louison, Caryn Ward & Amanda Farley

Publication Date: March 2021 

This study aims to understand the role implementation support practitioners can have in supporting the use of research-supported practices, policies, and programs in human service sectors. Through a survey design, the authors: 1) confirm and refine principles and competencies used by professionals to provide implementation support in human service systems; 2) increase understanding of the conditions under which implementation support practitioners can be more or less effective; and 3) describe the usefulness of competencies for professionals providing implementation support. Additional findings are presented on the role of context and trusting relationships in implementation support practice. Areas for further research are discussed.

Metz, A., Albers, B., Burke, K., Bartley, L., Louison, L., Ward, C., & Farley, A. (2021). Implementation practice in human service systems: Understanding the principles and competencies of professionals who support implementation. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance. doi: 10.1080/23303131.2021.1895401
