NIRN Research and Evaluation Agenda
Author(s): Melanie Livet, Ph.D. NIRN Research and Evaluation Team
Publication Date: September 2023
The mission of the National Implementation Research Network (NIRN) is to contribute to the best practices and science of implementation, organizational change, and system reinvention to improve outcomes across the spectrum of human services. As such, it has been involved in advancing implementation practice through numerous initiatives over the past 17 years. Although recognized as an implementation practice leader, NIRN has not been as consistent with its implementation research and evaluation agenda (REA). Yet, it is uniquely positioned to advance implementation research and evaluation based on the wealth of data generated through its projects. By contributing innovative practice-based research insights, demonstrating the value of implementation practice, improving the rigor of the evidence generated through practice-based research, and increasing its scholarship and policy outputs, NIRN is primed to further establish itself as a national player in implementation science.