K-12 Education
Our education work is dedicated to expanding the selection, adoption and sustained use of educational practices supported by evidence that result in positive outcomes for students. We use the science and practice of implementation to strengthen equity in our education systems, support our educators, and improve outcomes for learners and their families.
- NIRN Presents at the SREE Annual Conference
Date Published: September 27, 2024 - Dr. Ximena Franco-Jenkins Presents at NCTM
Date Published: September 27, 2024 - NIRN Team Presents at SPR
Date Published: June 5, 2024 - SISEP Presents Poster at the PBIS Leadership Summit
Date Published: November 6, 2023 - SISEP Presents at the Annual NE-PACT Conference
Date Published: October 24, 2023 - NIRN Presents at the Annual Society for Prevention Research Meeting
Date Published: June 5, 2023
- An Introduction to the District Capacity Assessment (DCA): Supports for Schools and Teachers
The purpose of this brief is to provide an overview of the District Capacity Assessment and provide resources for additional information and learning.
- An Introduction to the Regional Capacity Assessment (RCA)
The purpose of this brief is to provide an overview of the Regional Capacity Assessment and provide resources for additional information and learning.
- An Introduction to the State Capacity Assessment (SCA)
The purpose of this brief is to provide an overview of the State Capacity Assessment and provide resources for additional information and learning.
- Brief 5: Developing State Capacity for Change
- Designing and Deploying an Effective Infrastructure for Implementation
A webinar delivered by SISEP staff for the New York State Community Schools Network. This is the third in a series of webinars for the network.
- Developing a System-Level Capacity for RTI Implementation: Current Efforts and Future Directions
- District Capacity Assessment Technical Manual
- EBISS Systems Coach Self-Assessment
- EIC Learning Agenda
Effective Implementation Cohort Learning Agenda
- Four Domains for Rapid School Improvement: An Implementation Framework
NIRN and the National Center for School Turnaround (2018) published the "Four Domains for Rapid School Improvement: An Implementation Framework" as a companion to the Center for School...
- From Ghost Systems to Host Systems via Transformation Zones
- Implementation and Scaling Evaluation Report: 2013-2017 (State Implementation and Scaling up of Evidence-based Programs Center [SISEP])
This report documents the culmination of ten years of development of a new approach to improving human service systems, organizations, and outcomes.
- Implementation Science – Changing Hearts, Minds, Behavior, and Systems to Improve Educational Outcomes
- Implementation Science for Educators Podcast (Sustainability)
Implementation Science for Educators Podcast: Sustainability
- Implementing the Findings of Research: Bridging the Gap Between Knowledge and Practice
- Increasing Equity in Education through Stage-based Implementation of Universal Design for Learning in a Multi-tiered System of Support
This brief explains how four important system design initiatives frequently promoted by state and local education agencies for school improvement can be implemented through an intentional systematic approach for a powerful, positive impact on student outcomes.
- Intensive Technical Assistance
- Leveraging Change in State Education Systems
- Practical Use of Implementation Science to Meet Your Community Schools Goals
A webinar delivered by SISEP staff for the New York State Community Schools network. This is the first in a series of webinars for the network.
- Problem-Solving Consultation
- Recruiting and Selecting High Quality Talent: Practices to Ensure Best Fit
A webinar delivered by SISEP staff for the New York State Community Schools Network. This is the fourth in a series of webinars for the network.
- Scaling-Up Evidence-Based Practices in Education
- Selecting Evidence-Based Practices for Your Local Context
A webinar delivered by SISEP staff for the New York State Community Schools Network. This is the second in a series of webinars for the network.
- Supporting the Effective Implementation of Social Emotional Learning within Positive Behavior Intervention Supports
In this webinar, hosted by the California PBIS Coalition, NIRN's Caryn Ward shares how active implementation strategies can be used to ensure effective use of evidence-based practices to address the social-emotional learning (SEL) needs of K-12 students.
- Technical Assistance in Special Education: Past, Present, and Future
- The Professional Learning Partner Guide (PLPG) Rubric: Does it measure curriculum-based learning
In partnership with Rivet Education, NIRN is conducting a validation of their Professional Learning Partner Guide Rubric.
- Using a Decision Support Data System for Continuous Improvement Purpose
A webinar delivered by SISEP staff for the New York State Community Schools Network. This is the fifth in a series of webinars for the network.