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NIRN Team Presents at SPR
The Society of Prevention Research annual meeting was held in Washington, D.C., from May 28th through the 31st. Dr. Ximena Franco-Jenkins, Dr. Megan Bookhout, and Jake Leonard from the NIRN Team attended the meeting.
The Society for Prevention Research envisions a wellness-oriented society in which evidenced-based programs and policies are continuously applied to improve the health and well-being of its citizens, fostering positive human development and citizens who lead productive lives in caring relationships with others.
The SPR Annual Meeting provides a unique opportunity to advance this vision by providing a centrally integrated forum for the exchange of new concepts, methods, and results from prevention research and related public health fields and for communication between scientists, public policy leaders, and practitioners concerning the implementation of evidence-based preventive interventions in all areas of public health.
Dr. Bookhout presented Understanding the Role of Ethnicity Match in the Implementation of a High-Quality Math Curriculum in Middle School.
Jake Leonard presented Individual- and District-Level Predictors of Student Math Beliefs During First Year of High-Quality Middle School Math Curriculum Implementation.