Welcome to the new online home of the National Implementation Research Network! We have redesigned our website to better showcase our work and make our tools and resources more accessible.
Our old website made it challenging to find the latest news and updates or check out our diverse portfolio of projects. Plus, it was hard to view it on a phone! We think you’ll find our new site both easy on the eye and easy to navigate. We’ve also taken this opportunity to take care of some needed housekeeping. Some of the changes you’ll notice include:
- Our online learning platform, the AI Hub, now links directly to other resources at NIRN.
- The new Publications and Resources page has an updated library of exciting content reorganized so you can find what you’re looking for quickly.
- We are highlighting the incredible breadth and scope of our projects by making it easier to discover our work in different disciplines. Check out the new pages for child welfare, K-12 education, early childhood and public health.
- NIRN’s new blog, Practicing Implementation, will allow us to share what we’re learning in the field more immediately. (You’re reading it now!)
Most importantly, our new site highlights our focus on implementation practice and practitioners. As NIRN’s work has grown over the past decade, we’ve learned a lot about what it takes to support good implementation. We know that the science and practice of implementation are equally important. We know that successful implementation can achieve improved and equitable outcomes and that making it happen isn’t easy. Because of that, we recognize that individuals and teams need skills and competencies to meet the unique needs of communities. We think our Implementation Specialist Practice Profile breaks new ground in defining our work and identifying what it takes to do it well. This is just the beginning: we’ll be sharing new resources and tools regularly because we believe the growing global workforce of Implementation Practitioners needs support, just as the communities and systems we work in do.
Let us know what you think of our new website! You can share your feedback on our Facebook page or by email at nirn@unc.edu.
Finally, thank you for your interest in NIRN. We share your commitment to improving children and families’ lives and are grateful for your partnership.