Child Welfare
Through our partnerships with public child welfare systems we support the development and use of evidence to enhance child and family wellbeing and ensure that needed services are available and accessible for vulnerable families. We are committed to a co-creative approach with system leaders, practitioners, community members, and families to support the implementation of services that are a strong contextual fit and will advance equitable outcomes.
- A Discussion on Principles-Focused Implementation
A discussion on how principle-based implementation support can be helpful in making decisions around implementation and trying to be the best partners possible for public agencies during the challenging time of the COVID-19 crisis.
- Active Implementation Frameworks (AIF) for Successful Service Delivery: Catawba County Child Wellbeing Project
- Active Implementation Frameworks for Program Success: How to Use Implementation Science to Improve Outcomes for Children
- Building a Post-Care Service System in Child Welfare: Lessons Learned from the Frontlines of Implementation Science in Catawba County
- Building the Catawba County Child Wellbeing Project: A Practice Perspective on Using Implementation Science to Promote Systems Change
- Co-Creating the Conditions to Sustain the Use of Research Evidence in Public Child Welfare
- Implementing Evidence-Based Child Welfare: The New York City Experience
This report chronicles the New York City Administration for Childrens Services' experience of implementing evidence-based models.
- Supporting the Sustainable Use of Research Evidence in Child Welfare Services
An Implementation Science and Service-Provider Informed Blueprint for Integration of Evidence-Based/Evidence-Informed Practices into New Jersey's Child Welfare System
- Usability Testing, Initial Implementation and Formative Evaluation of an Evidence-Based Intervention: Lessons from a Demonstration Project to Reduce Long-Term Foster Care
- Using Implementation Science to Support and Align Practice and System Change: Lessons Learned from the Catawba County Child Wellbeing Project
- Using Implementation Science to Support and Align Service and System Change: A Study of the Catawba County Child Wellbeing Project
- What Does It Take? How Federal Initiatives Can Support the Implementation of Evidence-Based Programs to Improve Outcomes for Adolescents