Implementation Support Practitioner Profile

Author(s): Allison Metz, Laura Louison, Katie Burke, Bianca Albers, and Caryn Ward

Publication Date: December 2020 

Implementation researchers  have identified constructs, variables, and strategies that support the sustainable use of evidence and interventions/approaches to improve outcomes. These constructs and strategies have been synthesized into frameworks and conceptual models that undergird the science of implementation and are used by implementation support practitioners to support communities to implement, scale, and sustain interventions/approaches for impact. However, building the capacity of systems to integrate implementation science into their delivery approaches takes more than just implementation science knowledge. This type of capacity building in complex and complicated systems requires a set of skills and competencies.

The Implementation Support Practitioner Profile outlines the skills and competencies needed to build the capacity of practitioners and communities to effectively use interventions/approaches and evidence to improve outcomes. These skills and competencies are described as philosophical principles that guide the work of implementation scientist-practitioners and essential functions that describe a range of activities implementation support practitioners conduct as they provide implementation support. Skills and competencies were identified through an evidence-based methodology including a scoping review, documents review, interviews, and vetting and consensus building (Metz, 2016).

For more resources related to competencies for implementation support practice, visit our Implementation Practice page.


Metz, A., Louison, L., Burke, K., Albers, B., & Ward, C. (2020). Implementation support practitioner profile: Guiding principles and core competencies for implementation practice. Chapel Hill, NC: National Implementation Research Network, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
