Implementation Practice

Competencies for Implementation Support Practice

The purpose of the Implementation Support Practitioner Profile is to identify the skills and competencies needed by implementation support practitioners to support effective implementation and scaling of evidence-informed practices, programs and policies to improve outcomes for people and communities.

Guiding Principles and Core Competencies for Implementation Practice – Practice Guide and Practitioner Profile

Implementation support practitioners are professionals who support implementation and build implementation capacity in human service organisations and systems. This practice guide and practitioner profile identify the competencies that implementation support practitioners need to support effective implementation and scaling of evidence-informed practices, programmes and policies, to improve outcomes for people and communities. The implementation practice guide and profile should be of use to anyone interested in developing the competencies of professionals who are facilitating and supporting the implementation of evidence-informed changes in service delivery.

An international collaboration of implementation colleagues at the National Implementation Research Network (NIRN), University of North Carolina, the European Implementation Collaborative and the Centre for Effective Services (Ireland) produced this practice guide and profile in 2020, based on the implementation science literature and real-world experience of implementation support practitioners.

Additional Resources for Implementation Support Practitioners

Associated resources:

Blog Series: Leading with Principles: Reflections on Supporting Implementation during the COVID-19 Pandemic

In this series, we explore some key questions:

  1. How is our practice changing during the pandemic?
  2. What principles are we relying on?
  3. What skills and competencies seem most important now?
  4. What are we learning and observing from the communities and service systems we support?
  5. What will we carry with us in a post-pandemic world?

Blog Posts: