Domains and Core Competencies

The Implementation Support Practitioner Profile outlines the skills and competencies needed to build the capacity of practitioners and communities to effectively use interventions/approaches and evidence to improve outcomes. Building Implementation Support Practitioner (ISPs) competencies is central to the work of supporting and leading implementation efforts in organizations and communities. At the core of the work are guiding principles to engage in true co-creation and engagement, ongoing improvement, and sustaining change with stakeholders and organizations. These guiding principles include the ability to be empathetic, be curious, be committed, advance equity, embrace cross-disciplinary approaches, and use critical thinking.

Within the domains of co-creation and engagement, ongoing improvement, and sustaining change are 15 competencies and activities of ISPs required to provide effective implementation support.

  • Under co-creation and engagement, ISPs are focused on co-learning, brokering, addressing power differentials, co-designing, and tailoring support.
  • Under ongoing improvement, ISPs are focused on assessing needs and assets, understanding context, applying and integrating implementation frameworks, strategies, and approaches, facilitation, communication, and conducting improvement cycles.
  • Under sustaining change, ISPs are focused on growing and sustaining relationships, developing teams, building capacity, and cultivating leaders and champions.